
What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a body shaping surgery that is often preferred by people who want to get rid of regional weight that cannot be lost with diet and sports. It is also known as ‘fat removal’, ‘oil pulling’ among the people.

The most common misconception about liposuction is the idea that all excess fat is removed. However, with this process, the number of fat cells is reduced, not the excess fat in the body. The number of fat cells is a marker that tells us where excess fat will be stored. The goal of liposuction is not to weaken, but to prevent regional fat accumulation by reducing the number of fat cells.

How is Liposuction Performed?

Liposuction is a delicate surgical operation that should be performed by specialist plastic surgeons or dermatologists. With the developing technology, more than one technique has been used for liposuction. These techniques are classified as wet or dry techniques. Although the types of operations have increased, the common point is the use of vacuum-connected cannulas (thin tube) to absorb the oil.

Thin cannulas with a diameter of 1-5 mm are used to expel excess fat, and care should be taken not to exceed 4-5 liters of fat taken. With this process, stubborn adipose tissues accumulated in certain parts of the body are removed.

Liposuction Nasıl Yapılır?

Liposuction, uzman plastik cerrahlar veya dermatologlar tarafından yapılması gereken hassas cerrahi bir operasyondur. Gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte liposuction işlemi için de birden fazla teknik kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu teknikler ıslak veya kuru teknik olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Her ne kadar operasyon çeşitleri artsa da temelde ortak nokta, yağı emmesi için vakum bağlantılı kanüllerin (ince tüp) kullanılmasıdır.

Fazla yağın dışarı atılabilmesi için 1-5 mm çapında ince kanüller kullanılır ve alınan yağların 4-5 litreyi geçmemesine dikkat edilir. Bu işlemle, vücudun belli bölgelerinde biriken inatçı yağ dokuları uzaklaştırılmış olur.

Types of Liposuction Aesthetics

Today, successful results are obtained from the liposuction operation performed with various techniques. If we evaluate these most commonly used techniques;

1. Tumescent (Inflating) Technique:

In the tumescent technique known as the wet technique, the fat cells are inflated with liquid before the suction process. The fluid used during the inflation process contains plenty of serum, pain relievers, adrenaline and bicarbonate. The liquid injected into the fat cells under general anesthesia provides numbness in that area. After the inflation process is finished, incisions are made on the skin in that area and thin cannulas with a diameter of 2-5 mm are delivered to the matching fat cells. As these cannulas connected to the vacuum device are moved, they attract the excess fat cells and remove them from the body. It has been observed that the patient has less pain after the surgery with this technique. Care should be taken not to absorb too much oil during the procedure, otherwise skin collapses may occur.

2. Ultrasonic Liposuction (UAL):

The ultrasonic liposuction method, which has been frequently preferred in recent years, is used to soften the fat cells in the areas where there is hard lubrication with the ultrasound device. Thus, the softened fat cells are absorbed more easily. After the softening process, classical liposuction steps are applied.

2. Ultrasonic Liposuction (UAL):

Son yıllarda sıklıkla tercih edilen ultrasonic liposuction yöntemi, ultrason cihazı ile sert yağlanmanın olduğu bölgelerdeki yağ hücrelerini yumuşatmada kullanılır. Böylelikle yumuşayan yağ hücreleri daha rahat şekilde emilime uğrar. Yumuşatma işlemi sonrası klasik liposuction adımları uygulanır.

3. Laser Liposuction (LAL):

In the tumescent technique known as the wet technique, the fat cells are inflated with liquid before the suction process. The fluid used during the inflation process contains plenty of serum, pain relievers, adrenaline and bicarbonate. The liquid injected into the fat cells under general anesthesia provides numbness in that area. After the inflation process is finished, incisions are made on the skin in that area and thin cannulas with a diameter of 2-5 mm are delivered to the matching fat cells. As these cannulas connected to the vacuum device are moved, they attract the excess fat cells and remove them from the body. It has been observed that the patient has less pain after the surgery with this technique. Care should be taken not to absorb too much oil during the procedure, otherwise skin collapses may occur.

In which areas is liposuction done?

The aim of liposuction operation is not to weaken the patient and lose weight. The main goal in this procedure is to correct the body contour by solving the regional fat problem of the patient. Since the number of fat cells of each individual can accumulate in different areas, the area to be made is also personal. The regions listed here are generally common operation areas.

We can list some areas of the body where liposuction is commonly performed as follows:

You should decide whether the regional fats in your body are suitable for liposuction surgery by consulting your physician.

Candidates Suitable for Liposuction Operation

Liposuction is definitely not a method used to get rid of excess weight or solve obesity. The most suitable candidates for this operation are those who are closest to their ideal weight and who want to get rid of their regional lubrication that does not respond to diet and sports.

For a successful operation, the person must be healthy, not smoking, and not have serious heart, diabetes and circulatory diseases. In addition, before the liposuction procedure, the skin condition of the patients is evaluated and its elasticity is measured. It is a more suitable procedure for candidates with firm and flexible skin.

Liposuction Recovery Process

After the liposuction operation, there is usually no need to stay in the hospital. The patient can return to his working life after a few days of rest, and it takes a few weeks to return to his routine activities. In order to achieve a comfortable recovery process after surgery, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s instructions without skipping. Depending on the technique used, edema, bruising, swelling and pain may occur, which is expected and decreases over time. The most important thing in the healing process is the use of corsets. These corsets are custom-made and should be used between 4-8 weeks.

Will there be lubrication again after liposuction?

Although the fat cells are permanently removed from the body in the liposuction process, it should be known that new fat cells can be formed. After the surgery, you should prepare a special nutrition plan for yourself and make regular exercise a whole of your life.

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