Golden Type FUE Hair Transplant Method

The newest method is the Gold-tipped FUE technique...

Today, we can easily see the rapid development of technology in many areas. One of these areas is undoubtedly the field of health.
Today, we have made serious progress in hair transplantation and we have discovered many alternative treatment methods. Techniques used during hair transplant operations are increasing day by day. One of them is the Gold Fue Hair Transplant Technique, also known as the Gold Tip Hair Transplant Method.

What is Gold Fue Hair Transplant Technique?

What are the advantages of Golden Fue Hair Transplant Technique?

How is Golden Fue Hair Transplant Technique applied?

Now we will pass them on to you…

Hair Transplantation with Gold FUE Technique

FUE hair transplantation, which is one of the solutions developed against the problem of hair loss, is among the most preferred methods by patients. In order to achieve better results, experts continued to develop and innovate the FUE hair transplant method. One of these innovations is the Gold Fue hair transplantation technique, also known as gold-tipped hair transplantation, which we will talk about today. The feature of the Gold Fue technique, which is built on the Fue method, is that it is made using a medical instrument made entirely of gold.

In other words, because this device, which touches your hair follicles and skin, is gold plated, it is named Gold FUE hair transplantation.

Advantages of Gold Fue Hair Transplant Technique

The fact that the device used in the Gold Fue hair transplant method is gold plated makes this technique privileged. If you ask what is the reason for the use of gold; It is due to the fact that it is a material that is compatible with the human body, does not harm health, on the contrary, positive effects on the skin are observed.

In addition, gold materials have been used frequently in the field of health, and today, experts have developed the Gold Fue technique, considering these benefits and thinking that it will provide high success in hair transplantation.

In the Gold Fue technique, it has been observed that thanks to the compatibility of gold with the body, it accelerates the healing process and reduces crusting and microparasite formation at the end of the planting process.
And again, thanks to this harmony, the rates of attachment and healthy growth of hair follicles have increased.

Gold FUE Tekniği ile Saç Ekimi

Saç dökülmesi problemine karşı geliştirilen çözümlerden olan FUE saç ekim, hastalar tarafından en çok tercih edilen yöntemler arasındadır. Daha iyi sonuçlar elde etmek için uzmanlar, FUE saç ekim yöntemini geliştirmeye, yenilik katmaya devam etmişlerdir. Bu yeniliklerden biri ise bugün bahsedeceğimiz altın uçlu saç ekimi olarak da bilinen Gold Fue saç ekim tekniğidir. Fue yönteminin üzerine inşa edilen Gold Fue tekniğinin özelliği, tamamen altından üretilen medikal bir alet kullanılarak yapılmasıdır.

Yani saç köklerinize ve derinize temas eden bu cihaz altın kaplama olduğu için Gold FUE saç ekimi ismini almıştır.

Gold Fue Saç Ekim Tekniği’nin Avantajları

Gold Fue saç ekim yönteminde kullanılan cihazın altın kaplama olması bu tekniği ayrıcalıklı kılmaktadır. Peki altın kullanılmasının sebebi nedir derseniz; insan vücudu ile uyumlu olan, sağlığa zararı olmayan aksine cilt üzerinde olumlu etkileri gözlemlenen bir malzeme olmasından kaynaklanır.

Ayrıca altın malzemeler sağlık alanında sıklıkla kullanılmıştır ve günümüzde de uzmanlar bu faydaları göz önünde bulundurarak, saç ekimlerinde de yüksek başarı sağlayacağını düşünerek Gold Fue tekniğini geliştirmişlerdir.

Gold Fue tekniğinde, altının vucüt ile uyumu sayesinde iyileşme sürecini hızlandırdığı, ekim işlemi sonunda kabuklanmayı ve mikroparazit oluşumunu azalttığı gözlemlenmiştir.
Ve yine bu uyum sayesinde saç köklerinin tutunma ve sağlıklı bir şekilde büyüme oranları artmıştır.

How is Gold Fue Hair Transplant Technique Applied?​

The Gold Fue technique is not a new hair transplant technique, it is an innovation on the Fue hair transplant technique we know. During the application, the stages in the Fue hair transplantation technique take place, the only difference is that the tips of the micro-motor devices used during the operation are gold.

Local anesthesia is applied before starting hair transplantation with the Gold FUE method. Thus, the patient does not feel any pain or pain during the procedure. Then, hair follicles (graft) are collected from the place we call the donor area and hair follicles are placed in the open channels where there is baldness with a gold pen. This process takes about 5-6 hours.

Planning Phase

Local anesthesia

Hair Harvest



Gold Fue Technique Before Hair Transplant

In fact, as in all hair transplantation procedures, an accurate hair analysis should be done by the physician before the gold fue technique. In order to obtain a natural image after the procedure, the hair angle and lines must be adjusted correctly. The most important point here is that there is no aesthetic problem and patient satisfaction is the most important point, so all the apparatuses are prepared individually before the procedure in the Gold FUE technique.

Images from Operations

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