Leg Lift Aesthetics

What is Leg Lift Surgery?

Leg stretching operation is an application that recovers sagging leg skin due to age, genetics, and rapid weight loss procedures such as sleeve gastrectomy. This application is made to the inner part of the upper leg, which we call the thigh, and it is aimed to remove the loosening / sagging in that area. Leg stretching surgery can be performed alone or in combination with liposuction.

Why is Leg Lift Surgery Performed?

The inner part of the upper leg, which we call the thigh, is a thin skin and is more prone to deformation. Sagging of the legs restricts both the appearance and movement of the person. Especially the restriction of movement negatively affects the quality of life of people. For this reason, performing leg lift surgery provides not only aesthetic improvement but also functional benefit.

How is Leg Lift Surgery Performed?

Leg lift surgeries can be combined with liposuction in some patients. In order to decide this, a detailed preliminary examination is performed and the patient’s skin abundance amount and fat ratio are examined. In stretching surgeries started with liposuction, the remaining skin is more suitable for stretching because excess fat is removed.

In the leg stretching process, an incision is made from the groin area to the thigh area. With this incision, first the excess skin is removed and then the skin is stretched upwards and sutured. Since the incision is made in the inner part of the leg, there is no obvious scar. This surgery takes place in an average of 2 hours under general anesthesia. Postoperative hospital stay does not exceed 1 day.

Candidates Suitable for Leg Lift Surgery?

Leg stretching surgery is suitable for anyone who has sagging and tissue loosening in the inner part of the leg due to aging, rapid weight gain and some operations. These saggings, which are clearly observed in the upper leg, are made by creating an appropriate treatment plan for the patient and successful results are obtained in a short time.

Bacak Germe Ameliyatı Nasıl Yapılır?

Bacak germe ameliyatları, bazı hastalarda liposuction işlemi ile kombine edilebilir. Buna karar verebilmek için detaylı bir ön muayene yapılır ve hastanın deri bolluk miktarı, yağ oranı incelenir. Liposuction ile başlanan germe ameliyatlarında, fazla yağ alındığı için kalan deri germe işlemine daha müsait olur.

Bacak germe işleminde daha sonra kasık bölgesinden uyluk bölgesine doğru bir kesi atılır. Bu kesiyle önce fazla deri çıkarılır sonra deri yukarı gerdirilerek dikilir. Bacak iç bölümüne kesi atıldığı için belirgin bir iz gözükmez. Bu ameliyat genel anestezi altında ortalama 2 saatte gerçekleşir. Ameliyat sonrası hastanede yatış süresi 1 günü geçmez.

Bacak Germe Ameliyatına Uygun Adaylar?

Bacak germe ameliyatı, yaşlanmaya, hızlı kilo alıp vermeye ve bazı operasyonlara bağlı bacağın iç kısmında sarkma ve doku gevşemesi olan herkes için uygundur. Üst bacakta belirgin olarak gözlenen bu sarkmalar hastaya uygun bir tedavi planı oluşturularak yapılır ve kısa sürede başarılı sonuçlar elde edilir.

Before Leg Lift Surgery

After Leg Lift Surgery

Leg lift surgery is a short procedure and the patient is discharged the next day. In the first days, mild pain may be felt, swelling and bruising may occur on the inner surface of the leg. They are a natural and temporary flow. You can take a bath 2-3 days after the operation. After 7-10 days, you can now return to your daily life.
After leg lift surgery, it is very important to stay away from sports for a while, use a corset for the period recommended by the doctor, and avoid the sun. In this operation, scars remain, although not very obvious, but you will see that they begin to fade over time.

Bacak Germe Ameliyatı Öncesi

Bacak Germe Ameliyatı Sonrası

Bacak germe ameliyatı kısa süren bir işlemdir ve ertesi gün hasta taburcu edilir. İlk günlerde hafif ağrılar hissedilebilir, bacak iç yüzeyinde şişme ve morarmalar oluşabilir. Bunlar doğal ve geçici bir akıştır. Ameliyattan 2-3 gün sonra banyo yapabilirsiniz. 7-10 gün sonrasında artık günlük yaşantınıza dönebilirsiniz.

Bacak germe ameliyatı sonrası, spordan bir süre uzak kalmanız, doktorun önerdiği süre boyunca korse kullanmanız ve güneşten kaçınmanız oldukça önemlidir. Bu operasyonda çok belirgin olmasa da izler kalır fakat zamanla silikleşmeye başladığını görürsünüz.

Is Leg Lift Surgery Permanent?

Leg stretching surgery is highly permanent. However, it is necessary to provide weight control with sports and diet. Otherwise, some deformations may occur in the leg over time.

Appearance After Leg Lift Surgery

Successfully performed by an experienced physician, leg stretching surgery gives the patient a very aesthetic appearance. The incision marks in the groin area are not visible because they are under underwear and do not cause any anxiety. Moreover, the scars heal quite well within 1 year.

As important as a successful operation in a leg lift operation is, it is equally important for the patient to take care of himself and listen to the instructions after the operation. To achieve good results, you should work with an experienced doctor and pay attention to your care and warnings.

Images from Operations

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