Beard & Mustache Transplantation

What is Beard and Mustache Transplantation?

Today, capturing an aesthetic image has gained great importance regardless of men and women. In men, this situation appears as more care for their hair, beard and mustache. Beards and mustaches, which are at least as important as hair and form facial identity, are a subject that men particularly care about.

Beard and mustache develop at a frequency suitable for the person’s structure, starting from adolescence. Thinning and shedding may occur as a result of genetic, hormonal, skin diseases and injuries. Beard and mustache transplantation treatment, thanks to the developments in the field of medicine, prevents these problems and ensures that the person does not lose self-confidence and achieves a natural and aesthetic appearance.

Who Can Have Beard and Mustache Transplantation?

Provided that they have passed the puberty period, people who have lost their beard and mustache due to hormonal reasons and who are disturbed by the irregular growth of their beards are suitable for this operation. Since beard and mustache transplantation is a surgical operation, a preliminary examination is performed as the first step to investigate the causes of beard and mustache loss, hormonal or metabolic disorders of the person.

How is Beard and Mustache Transplantation Performed?

Beard and mustache transplantation is done by experts in this field with the FGS technique. In the FGS technique, hair follicles are collected from the nape area without surgery with 0.7 mm tips. By paying attention to the angle of the area to be planted and the accuracy of the channels, the roots are added to the beard, mustache and sideburn areas without waiting. It is important that the roots are not kept waiting, because the waiting roots may die due to tissue loss due to lack of oxygen.

If the beard loss occurred in a single area, a treatment plan compatible with the face is drawn up, taking into account the frequency of the other areas with beard. If the beard is completely absent, usually 1000-2000 roots can be planted. When we come to the mustache area, 400-800 root sowing is sufficient.

During the beard and mustache transplantation, scarring does not occur, small crusting and redness may occur immediately after the treatment, these are temporary.

If the beard loss occurred in a single area, a treatment plan compatible with the face is drawn up, taking into account the frequency of the other areas with beard. If the beard is completely absent, usually 1000-2000 roots can be planted. When we come to the mustache area, 400-800 root sowing is sufficient.

During the beard and mustache transplantation, scarring does not occur, small crusting and redness may occur immediately after the treatment, these are temporary.

Planning Phase

Local anesthesia

Beard Harvest



Is It Painful During Beard And Mustache Transplantation?

As with hair transplantation, beard, mustache and sideburn transplantation is performed under local anesthesia. For this reason, you do not feel pain, pain and swelling.

After Beard and Mustache Transplantation

In the first two days after beard and mustache transplantation, the donor and transplantation area should not be in contact with water. At the end of two days, the washing operation is performed. The beard appearance starts to appear within 2-3 days following the washing process and the redness disappears within 6-7 days. There is no scar in the donor area where the hair follicles are taken.
There is a rapid growth in the transplanted area and the hairs that grow in a short period of 8-10 days can be shaped by cutting with scissors. About 3 months after the procedure, a very natural image is obtained and that area can be easily shaved.

Thanks to the developing technologies, beard and mustache transplantation is an extremely reliable procedure preferred by patients. This process, which is carried out by a specialist staff, is carried out individually after the examination.

Images from Operations

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