Hair Transplant Technique

What is Hair Transplantation?

In today’s conditions, regardless of men and women, many people experience hair loss and baldness due to factors such as genetics, stress, eating disorders, drug use and heavy treatment. Hair loss is a serious problem that causes negative effects on the self-confidence of the person by creating aesthetic anxiety.

Hair transplantation is a successful surgical method that is widely used in the world. Hair transplantation method, which is used by many people who experience hair thinning and baldness, offers a permanent and natural solution to patients.

In the hair transplantation process, the active hair follicles taken from the person are transferred to the area where the shedding occurs, by micro-surgical procedures. All planning in hair transplantation is done individually. Although it is a minor surgical operation, it requires very sensitive and careful work, so it is extremely important that it is performed in a reliable center by experienced doctors and a specialist team.

How to do hair transplantation?

In the hair transplantation process, first of all, hair follicles are collected from the places we call the donor area. When we say donor area, we usually mean the upper part of the neck, because it is an area that is not genetically prone to shedding, and where it is planted, it will provide lasting effects by protecting these resistant genes. In the second stage, channels are opened in the areas where the hair will be transplanted, then the hair follicles collected with the help of microsurgical instruments are transferred to these opened channels under local anesthesia. This process usually ends on the same day, but in cases where hair loss is seen in a dense area, this period may be longer and it may be necessary to repeat a few more sessions.

Is It Painful During Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation operations are performed under local anesthesia. For this reason, no pain or pain is felt. In fact, post-operative side effects are very rare, in order to eliminate this risk, it is necessary to use the drugs prescribed by the doctor. Thanks to the developments in technology in the field of health, hair transplantation techniques provide a reliable and comfortable service for both doctors and patients.

Saç Ekimi Nasıl Yapılır?

Saç ekimi işleminde öncelikle donör bölge olarak adlandırdığımız yerlerden saç kökleri toplanır. Donör bölge derken genellikle ensenin üst bölgesini kastederiz çünkü genetik olarak dökülmeye yatkın olmayan bir alandır ve ekildiği yerde de bu dirençli genleri koruyarak kalıcı etkiler sağlayacaktır. İkinci aşama olarak saçın ekileceği alanlara kanallar açılır, daha sonra mikro cerrahi aletler yardımıyla toplanan saç kökleri, açılan bu kanallara lokal anestezi altında nakledilir. Bu işlem genelde aynı gün içerisinde sonlanır fakat saç kaybının yoğun bir alanda görülmesi durumlarında bu süre uzayabilir ve birkaç seans daha tekrarlamak gerekebilir.

Saç Ekimi Yapılırken Acı Hissedilir Mi?

Saç ekim işlemleri lokal anestezi altında gerçekleşmektedir. Bu sebeple herhangi bir acı ya da ağrı hissedilmez. Hatta operasyon sonrası yan etki çok nadir görülen bir durumdur, bu riski ortadan kaldırmak için doktorun verdiği ilaçların kullanılması gerekmektedir. Teknolojinin sağlık alanındaki gelişmeleri sayesinde saç ekim teknikleri, hem doktorlar hem de hastalar için güvenilir ve konforlu bir hizmet sunar.

In which seasons is hair transplantation done?

One of the first questions that come to the minds of people who have decided to have a hair transplant is ‘in which season should I have the hair transplant’. There is no special month for hair transplantation and it is done in hair transplantation centers for 12 months. But there are some important points. There is a fact that we call seasonal transitions, and hair loss can occur during these times. Of course, this is a variable situation depending on the hair structure of the person, if the patient has such problems, he should share it with his doctor. In addition, the rate of skin regeneration increases in the summer, which positively affects hair growth, but it is important to remember that activities such as swimming and sunbathing should be avoided for a while after the hair transplant operation. In case of consultation with our expert team, attention will be paid to these and the patients will be informed.

How Many Days After Hair Transplantation Does Hair Grow Normally?

3 months after hair transplantation, it is observed that the hair starts to grow. After 6 months, a remarkable difference occurs. The last natural and healthy state covers a period of 1 – 1.5 years in total.

Hair Transplant Processes

Planning Phase

Local anesthesia

Hair Harvest



Things to Consider Before Hair Transplantation;

Things to Consider After Hair Transplantation;

Images from Operations

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